Product Recomendations
As I've been 3d printing, I've been trying a number of different printers, products tools and filaments. Below are things I recommend if you are interested in 3d printing. The links to Amazon are affiliate links so I'll earn a little bit if you purchase from the below links, but don't feel obligated!
Bambu Labs makes the best overall printers. There are others that are cheaper, more open, quicker, larger build volume, and even more features, however none of them are overall better in every category combined. For the value, quality and features, Bambu Labs can't be beat in my opinion.
Mastering Autodesk Fusion Edt.2 (2024-2025) - I'm a book learner and this has been great for learning Fusion.
Build Plates
BIQU CryoGrip - This is one of the best build plates for PLA and PETG. Extremely sticky, these have great adhesion. However they can be almost too adhesive for very small tiny parts. It has a texture like the Bambu Lab's PEI sheet. Also this should never be used with TPU material as it can bond too well and either destroy the coating on the plate or the printed part. Some PLA Silk Filament, like Bambu Lab's should be avoided with this plate as it contains a percentage of TPU to make it extra shiny.
Bambu Cool Plate SuperTack - This is similar to the CryoGrip plate as above, but Bambu Lab's version. It is even sticker than the BIQU CryoGrip as above, but has a smoother texture.
Sukh Orange Silica Desiccant Beads 430G - For adding extra drying to an AMS or to a filament storage, Desiccant Beads are great to use, easy to tell when they need to change and are reusable but baking or microwaving them. Make sure however to purchase the orange ones, as the blue do contain a toxic chemical.
Sunlu S2 filament dryer - This is a great filament dryer that can do one, 1kg rolls has a time. It does have a maximum temperature though of 70c which is great for PLA, PETG, TPU, etc, but for PC and other engineering filaments it isn't hot enough.
SUNLU Filament Dryer S4 - This is a even better than the S2 as it can do 4x 1k rolls of filamnet at a time. It does have a maximum temperature though of 70c like the S2.
Plastic Razor Blades - Great for separating parts from build plates. Won't damage the plate unlike a metal razor blade.
Digital Caliper - Always need a set of Caliper's for making accurate measurements. Good idea to buy two though as they like to wander off like tape measures and socks.
- Flush cutters - Not flesh cutters, flush cutters! Great for cutting out supports and other bits of plastic.
- Small needle nose pliers - Very fine point for removing bits from tiny spots.
Deburring Tool - Great for trimming plastic from corners and edges
3D Printer Extruder Filament Declogging & Cleaning Tool! - Simple rod to clean out an extruder when clogged.
Nelko Label Maker Machine - I know what you are thinking, A label maker? Really??? Yes! After years of dealing with crappy label makers, this one is great. It's battery powered and rechargeable with USB-C, connects via Bluetooth and is all programmed via a easy to use app. The thermal labels are cheap as well.